The Mikael Lewis Trio (formerly Bucket of Witches) is an original bluesy rock, funk and soul trio from Salt Lake City, consisting of Mikael Lewis (guitar/vocals), Eric Watson (drums) and Chase McKnight (bass).
A Mikael Lewis Trio show can be loud and bluesy, then funky and mellow, then lead to an extended jam session with special guests. The band is always energetic, charismatic and refreshingly original. Whether they are playing their original roots rock/Americana tunes or their favorite covers from artists such as Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Mike Zito, Zeppelin, Prince, or Bill Withers, it’s obvious from the first riff to the final refrain that these guys are thoroughly enjoying themselves.
The Trio has original music available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and other reputable music outlets. (Look under Mikael Lewis, Bucket of Witches, and Fyre & Reign).