The Musician Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to blues musicians and their families.

The Blues Foundation established the HART Fund (Handy Artists Relief Trust) for blues musicians and their families in financial need due to a broad range of health concerns. The Fund provides for acute, chronic and preventive medical and dental care as well as funeral and burial expenses.

The Utah Blues Society’s version of the HART fund, the Musician Assistance Fund, provides assistance to local Blues musicians in need, most often for healthcare related issues. The Fund also lends a helping hand to musicians that run into financial hardships while in Utah. We’ve helped provide lodging for bands, repairs on broken down vans, and other unforeseen issues that arise as they come through our state.

We will also collaborate with the Blues Foundation on national initiatives. One example is the "February is HART month” campaign where we compete against other blues societies to raise funds for the national HART fund.

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